Room 9 Media Scoot into Action!
Room 9 Media have produced a new activity book featuring a digital 3D map to help Key Stage 1 children enjoy their scooting and keep them safe.
It includes information about:
- Looking after their scooter and wearing the right gear.
- Riding safely and avoiding dark and wet conditions.
- Watching out for traffic and people.
Information for parents
The book also includes information for parents about the benefits of scooting and how to make sure their children keep safe. It is ideal to use at home together or in the classroom.
Link to a digital map
Children are given the opportunity to work out the safest route to school on their scooter. This links to a digital 3D bird's eye view followed by a street view with questions.
Click here to view the map:
Copies of "Scoot" cost 42p each or 38p each for 3,000 or more copies, plus delivery.
If you would like any more information contact John Billington at Room 9 Media