Transition – the golden opportunity
One of the major targets in the road safety world is children moving up to secondary school. The combination of inexperience as independent road users and the irresistible pulling power of peer pressure combine to provide a potent mix that can lead to tragedy.
“Tweens” is the latest, albeit, cringeworthy title used for 8 -12 year old’s by marketeers.
The online “Marketing Sherpa” observed that they “they still need the reassurance of children but also the desire for independence”.
They recommend taking an approach that combines online and offline with a healthy element of humour – the unforgivable sin is to bore them!
Our resources
We have developed two resources that are designed for use with children who have just moved up to secondary school or are in Year 6.
"Way 2 Go" is intended for classroom use and emphasises safer and sustainable travel. It covers such topics as route planning, personal safety, public transport, cycling and sustainable travel.
Move On Up!
"Move On Up" is a magazine which is ideal as a classroom resource or to send home with students in year 6 or at the start of year 7.
It has proved consistently effective in reaching this high-risk group. Packed with stories, quotes and quizzes, the magazine is not only engaging and hugely entertaining but also covers all the relevant road safety themes. Much of the content has been written by the children themselves.
For more info check out: